Senin, 14 April 2008


Dear Onex,

Today do you have a great day??? of course I have a great day. So now I will type my reflecton and my plan in our research and learning log.

Our Movie Plan

Story board

We are done with our storyboard because we manage our time and we include introduction and etc.

Distibution Role
Movie Making(Nael and Vincent)
Downloading picture(Alvianto and Abigail)

Target setting

Deadline: wednesday
Complte all things.

Strategic planning and thinking

we will work in formation.


Today, what we did in the computer room is doing our movie maker and we are done with importing picture. We are almost done with eaffect. So we are done with intro and title. So we should continue with causes.

So bye and see yo utomorrow Onex...(.")

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